Monday, June 3, 2013

Romanian Prime Minister favors recognition of Kosovo

Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta, has said he is in favor of faster recognition of Kosovo's independence, Serbian media reported.

Ponta and his foreign minister met today with the two main parliamentary committees to discuss whether Romania should change its position and move towards recognition of Kosovo.

Ponta said that personally considers that Romania should align its position on Kosovo's status with European partners, taking into account the 22 EU member states have already recognized Kosovo's independence.

He also said it will establish a working group composed of representatives of the Romanian diplomacy and deputies, to explore new developments relating to the status of Kosovo, B92 reports, transmits Rel.

"There is no question of any decision. We have agreed to form a working group, which will deal with this issue. We agreed that this topic is not taboo, but must also deal with the "Ponta said.

When asked if Romania expects Serbia to recognize Kosovo before, Ponta said that "it would be a bit ridiculous if Romania Serbia lags behind."

Romania, as well as four other members of the European Union - Greece, Slovakia, Spain and Cyprus - have not yet recognized Kosovo's independence, declared on February 17, 2008

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