Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ban Treaty calls 'historic achievement'

The Security Council of the United Nations will review the middle of this month, a new report of the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the developments in Kosovo, where he "welcomes the first agreement on the principles of normalization relations", which was reached on 19 April in dialogue facilitated by the European Union. At the meeting of the Security Council are expected to attend the Kosovo delegation led by Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, RTK broadcasts.

"This is a historic achievement," wrote Secretary congratulates Ban and political leadership in Pristina and Belgrade who says "showed patience, political foresight and guidance to enable real progress"

"The findings open the way for dialogue on long-term normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina," said Ban. He says that the same spirit of compromise, determination and good will must prevail in the implementation of the agreement ... its practical implementation on both sides of the river '.

Ban further provides a chronology of developments routine quarterly, in the north, general security, rule of law, the return of displaced persons, religious and cultural heritage and human rights.

Prime Minister by the beginning of next week begins an official visit to the United States with high-level meetings in Washington, then in Iowa, military partner of Kosovo to end the session with the participation of Kosovo in UN Security Council United in New York.

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