Tuesday, June 4, 2013

30 Mujahedeen of Iran moved to Albania

The U.S. State Department has announced that, on May 31, 30 residents of Camp Liberty have left Iraq for permanent shift in Albania.

"The United States praised the generous offer of the Government of Albania to accept up to 210 former residents of Camp Liberty. Albania continues to be a strong partner of the United States, contributing to peace and stability in Iraq, "the statement DES.

Office for Refugees of the United Nations, UNHCR, has given some residents to Camp Liberty refugee status and the Albanian Government is collaborating with them to find solutions to secure and guarantee human, reports Rel.

In DES statement said permanent relocation of residents is essential to ensure their safety, especially after the attack on 9 February, which has 9 lives.

Camp Freedom in Iraq people are residents of group Mujahedin of Iran, known as MEK. Its members have helped Islamists to overthrow the pro-Western Shah in 1979, during the Islamic Revolution of Iran, but then are forcibly removed from the clergy.

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