Monday, June 3, 2013

PDK leader Hashim Thaci and Gjilan branch Zenun Pajaziti decided to be the president of Branch

PDK leader Hashim Thaci and the leadership of the party branch in Gjilan Zenun Pajaziti unanimously to be the president of the branch in the city. PDK leader Hashim Thaci has ended ages old agreement for office and convinced the party leadership to vote Zenun Pajaziti to be on top of PDK in Gjilan. He's got confidence and leadership Thaci branch, while still not known who will be the candidate for mayor, as to this point has not been discussed. Vice-PDK in Gjilan choose Qemajl Mustafa, Izmit Zeka, Niyazi Idris, Kadri Sabedin of Shukrije Rapuca. Generous was elected secretary Nevzadi organizational, administrative secretary Sefik Surdulli, and treasurer, Sahit Abbas.

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