Monday, June 3, 2013

Respecting Labour Law remains a challenge

There are some years that Labour Law is in force, but its observance is still great challenge for institutions. The construction sector, which is holding the primacy of employment in the country, is the biggest violator of workers' rights. On failure of the Labour Law, only years 17 workers lost their lives, broadcast, KTV. Ministry responsible together with trade unions, NGOs and business associations will launch an awareness campaign for the implementation of the Law for greater safety at work. It is expected to start on site inspections and will last a month. Unlike the Minister, unionists have expressed dissatisfaction with the work of the Inspectorate ..., seeking stiffer penalties for companies. However, this did not please the representatives, who were joined by the Chief Labor.

55 labor inspectors last year about 7,000 inspections were carried out, of which 157 have imposed fines. And, this year, the Labour Inspectorate has punished 40 businesses for not respecting Labour Law.

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