Monday, June 3, 2013

LB: Hazir Thaci and mostly damaged the Valley

Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci and the LDK, Lutfi Haziri, are two people who have the most damaging issues Presevo Valley "estimates Unification Movement. Through a press statement, the political party accused Thaci and Haziri that are using the issue of the Valley ... only for electoral purposes.

"Haziri has led talks between Kosovo and Serbia in 2006, in Vienna, to discuss at length the Serbs of Kosovo, has not uttered a word about Eastern Kosovo Albanians," the statement said LB's, broadcasts KTV.

But according to this movement were also equally Hashim Thaci, who led the negotiations in Rambouillet, has participated in talks in Vienna, is leading talks and present in all these events, eastern Kosovo, as referred to in this subject Valley Presevo, is excluded unfairly, severely damaging the matter.

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