Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Can war be avoided?

Throughout human history, wars have taken countless lives , and have devoted many wonderful cities destroyed . But despite the long list of conflicts from ancient times to modern day psychologists say that war is not inevitable .
Many researchers have focused on the causes of war and its consequences . But three political psychologists Amherst University in Massachusetts say that understanding the causes of war is the best way to prevent and resolve conflicts .
Bernhard Leidner , Linda and Brian Lickel tropp presented their views in an article in the journal American Psychologist , VOA broadcasts . Leidner is its main author .
" When it comes to war , most psychologists focus on human tendencies as aggressive and violent acts . The focus is more on the negative side of it , but not so much how to prevent it . "
He says studies show that those who " praise the roof of their countries " , a kind of nationalism that , there are more likely to resort to violence , but those who serve the country in a better way show no such trend .
But how can anyone be taught " in extreme praises " his place ? Leidner says that this should be done several questions like these .
" How is your country superior to others ? This is one aspect . Practically they think their country is the most moral , better and more successful in every aspect . As criticism allowed in your country ? People think that criticism shows a lack of loyalty to country , so expect a kind of unconditional loyalty " .
The study authors say that conflict and violence create possibilities to meet people " their psychological needs for identity , security and power ." Nonviolent actions have attracted much less media attention .
Leidner researcher says that it is important for political leaders to explain that there may be other ways to resolve the crisis , the conflict on the one hand and on the other hand diplomacy . He says surveys show that diplomacy is preferable to violence , when the question involves both , rather than the question of whether or not favored attack .

" There are examples of Nelson Mandela in South Africa , whose rhetoric trend showed cooperation . He changed step by step views of the citizens of his country that it is better to cooperate and live in peace with others . "
Mr Mandela said that " if we make peace with the enemy , you have to work with the enemy . Then he becomes your partner . "
Mr. Leidner compares this with the rhetoric in the United States after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 . He says she became bitter against American Muslims over time .
Leidner and co-authors of the study say that leaders should emphasize understanding with others . They write that " are convinced that psychology can and should exercise to promote peace and not war .

Extremist groups threaten Kosovo Police

An unknown group calling itself '"Jamaat of Tawheed and Jihad in Kosovo," Kosovo Police has threatened that if they do not release some detainees suspected of terrorism, then the police will face' painful attacks' , as specified in a statement distributed through the Internet. This Communication Police warns that attacks will face terrible and painful. Meanwhile, the Kosovo Police is examining the seriousness of this press release which was distributed virtual way media.

The youth of Pristina say NO Syrian chemical weapons in Albania

Dozens of young people today protested in front of the Albanian embassy in Pristina, objecting to the destruction of chemical weapons to Syria in Albanian territory. Organizers of the protest expressed awareness that kind of Syrian weapons is extremely dangerous. "We are here today before the Albanian embassy to send our message to Prime Minister Edi Rama firmly say no to the offer of U.S. Secretary to use the territory of the Republic of Albania territory for the disposal of chemicals, as we consider that this is a procedure of importing Syrian chemical warfare in the territory of Albania ", said Xhymshiti Vedas, one of the protest organizers. According to him, the process of elimination leaves the inevitable consequences. Quoting the words of an American expert, Xhymshiti said that the remains of a liter zaharinë pollute 180,000 cubic meters of air.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Project Europa: Teutonia against Latinos

According to a recent poll, less than half of Europeans still trust EU. It seems as if the crisis has diverted people from Europe. But things are not as simple as they seem.

Now that Europe's crisis has gripped many agree that monetary union was never a good idea. The introduction of the euro has not been an economic project, but simply political project, is their argument. The goal that should be achieved is different depending on how the confessor: or plugged reunified Germany in the European chain. Or vice versa: Germany wanted the euro, in order to put its European neighbors to the dictates of her.

Both are myths, both wrong, says Harold James, British historian at Princeton University in the U.S., who has studied the long process of euro adoption. James sees the euro in response to strong fluctuations of the exchange rate since the 1970s.

Then he thought: "If the world can not be stabilized, then at least be stable Europe, with an independent central bank," says James DW. "This has been the precondition for the idea of stability."

The idea of stability was reflected in the Maastricht criteria, which define clear limits to the budget deficit and government debt of the euro countries. However, many countries did not respect it, even Germany and France.

At the same time the European Commission put forward economic union. The goal has been, and is, in all countries of the euro to apply the same rules. "In the domestic market it is perfectly reasonable to create equal conditions for all," says Werner Abelshauser DW, economic historian at the University of Bielefeldit. "But this is in contradiction with the fact that economic cultures in Europe are different. Namely, what is good for some, is somehow bad for others."


"Disappears" 53-year-old who attacked with stone Prime-Minister Berisha

The protagonist, who attacked the prime minister's car with stones in Burrel, is "missing" to 48 hours, while the mean nobody knows where it is.

Police denies escorting him to the police station, stating that there was no incident, but residents said they were convinced that he was taken by force from blue uniforms and is still isolated, writes English.

It is about 53-year-old Halit (Petrit) Hoxha, whose fate remains enigmatic for two days, when the bodyguards were violated by the prime minister, according to witnesses after a stone hit the car, Berisha had just closed the rally in Burrel was launched for the miners.

An increasing number of Albanian asylum seekers in the West

For the period December 31, 2012 - February 3, 2013 has been a significant increase in asylum seekers from Albania, to the extent (74 per cent. Thus says the third report of the European Commission published today.

The main destinations continues to be Germany, followed by Sweden, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg.

After Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has increased the number of asylum seekers in the European Union.

According to the report the number of asylum seekers from Western Balkan countries in five major countries in the Schengen area is down 44 percent in January 2013 compared with the same month in 2012.

Other countries, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia marked decrease in the number of asylum seekers

30 Mujahedeen of Iran moved to Albania

The U.S. State Department has announced that, on May 31, 30 residents of Camp Liberty have left Iraq for permanent shift in Albania.

"The United States praised the generous offer of the Government of Albania to accept up to 210 former residents of Camp Liberty. Albania continues to be a strong partner of the United States, contributing to peace and stability in Iraq, "the statement DES.

Office for Refugees of the United Nations, UNHCR, has given some residents to Camp Liberty refugee status and the Albanian Government is collaborating with them to find solutions to secure and guarantee human, reports Rel.

In DES statement said permanent relocation of residents is essential to ensure their safety, especially after the attack on 9 February, which has 9 lives.

Camp Freedom in Iraq people are residents of group Mujahedin of Iran, known as MEK. Its members have helped Islamists to overthrow the pro-Western Shah in 1979, during the Islamic Revolution of Iran, but then are forcibly removed from the clergy.

Ban Treaty calls 'historic achievement'

The Security Council of the United Nations will review the middle of this month, a new report of the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the developments in Kosovo, where he "welcomes the first agreement on the principles of normalization relations", which was reached on 19 April in dialogue facilitated by the European Union. At the meeting of the Security Council are expected to attend the Kosovo delegation led by Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, RTK broadcasts.

"This is a historic achievement," wrote Secretary congratulates Ban and political leadership in Pristina and Belgrade who says "showed patience, political foresight and guidance to enable real progress"

"The findings open the way for dialogue on long-term normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina," said Ban. He says that the same spirit of compromise, determination and good will must prevail in the implementation of the agreement ... its practical implementation on both sides of the river '.

Ban further provides a chronology of developments routine quarterly, in the north, general security, rule of law, the return of displaced persons, religious and cultural heritage and human rights.

Prime Minister by the beginning of next week begins an official visit to the United States with high-level meetings in Washington, then in Iowa, military partner of Kosovo to end the session with the participation of Kosovo in UN Security Council United in New York.

"Stacked" tender for police cars

Kosovo police for the fourth time in a row is busy preparing his tender conditions for the supply of certain companies with cars.

Procurement Review Body, in all cases found that the guardians of order are favoring companies that sell cars Volkswagen type, writes 'Tribune'.

Even the tender for the supply of cars 4x4 pickup ESP, KP has narrowed the competition to non-inclusion of other types of vehicles to cars.

This estimate PRB has taken following a complaint received by the economic operator "Mercom Company".

In the case of tenders Court has ordered police to defer the receipt of bids for ten days, for the procurement activity "Supply of vehicles."

Thaci travels to the end of the week in Washington

Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, will travel on official visit to the United States of America at the end of the week.

As he heard "Daily Time" from sources in Washington, is expected to meet Vice Minister of the United States, Joe Biden, and will have meetings with senior State Department.

Thaci's visit comes at the height of the process of dialogue with Serbia and talks about the implementation of the agreement between Thaci and Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic.

Removing symbolic barricade on the bridge on the Ibar

European diplomats have floated the idea that prime Minister Hashim Thaci and Ivica Dacic to attend a symbolism for removing the barricade on the main bridge in Mitrovica. According to this idea, the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia will përcillejj a symbolic act such as removing the barricade on the river Ibar. In the event that parties like this idea, this symbolic act will have to happen before June 15. "The idea is that they both jointly participate in the removal of the barricade on the river Ibar, by sending the message of normalization of life in the north," quoted a source as saying by the daily Tribune Brussels.

Skenderaj again protesting against arrests

Even day administration of municipal workers protested against the arrest Skenderajt Sami Lushtaku and other former fighters of the KLA. At the rally held in front of the municipal building, organizers said they are doing with all that knowledge Lustaku and his comrades were innocent and cast accusations against them are unfair. "The President has Lustaku Sami place in his office as mayor, not in custody accused of war crimes," protest organizers said. Similar protests will have in the coming days.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Respecting Labour Law remains a challenge

There are some years that Labour Law is in force, but its observance is still great challenge for institutions. The construction sector, which is holding the primacy of employment in the country, is the biggest violator of workers' rights. On failure of the Labour Law, only years 17 workers lost their lives, broadcast, KTV. Ministry responsible together with trade unions, NGOs and business associations will launch an awareness campaign for the implementation of the Law for greater safety at work. It is expected to start on site inspections and will last a month. Unlike the Minister, unionists have expressed dissatisfaction with the work of the Inspectorate ..., seeking stiffer penalties for companies. However, this did not please the representatives, who were joined by the Chief Labor.

55 labor inspectors last year about 7,000 inspections were carried out, of which 157 have imposed fines. And, this year, the Labour Inspectorate has punished 40 businesses for not respecting Labour Law.

"Institutionalize" OVL demand for withdrawal of the mandate of EULEX

Requirements associations emerged from the struggle for the abolition of the executive mandate of EULEX receive institutional way. After a meeting disaorësh that representatives of these associations have held on Monday, the decision was taken to send a request for an extraordinary session of the Assembly of Kosovo, in which will be required once the review of the mandate of the European mission in Kosovo.

Xhavit Jashari, head of the KLA OVL said that if in the event of failure to consider the request, it will take further action. The money that an application for an extraordinary session, Speaker Jakup Kraniqi, has stated that it is very unfair that former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army prosecuted for war crimes.

According to him, the war crimes themselves have a standard of how they tried. So he wanted to know exactly what constitutes a war crime and crime against humanity what.

LB: Hazir Thaci and mostly damaged the Valley

Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci and the LDK, Lutfi Haziri, are two people who have the most damaging issues Presevo Valley "estimates Unification Movement. Through a press statement, the political party accused Thaci and Haziri that are using the issue of the Valley ... only for electoral purposes.

"Haziri has led talks between Kosovo and Serbia in 2006, in Vienna, to discuss at length the Serbs of Kosovo, has not uttered a word about Eastern Kosovo Albanians," the statement said LB's, broadcasts KTV.

But according to this movement were also equally Hashim Thaci, who led the negotiations in Rambouillet, has participated in talks in Vienna, is leading talks and present in all these events, eastern Kosovo, as referred to in this subject Valley Presevo, is excluded unfairly, severely damaging the matter.

Has launched second TV channel broadcasting RTK

has begun airing second channel of Radio Television Kosovo TV. Will initially broadcast six hours of programming, while its expansion is expected to fall, KTV reports. The second TV channel will be mainly in Serbian.

"The program, which will be broadcast on this channel will initially be in the Serbian community service and will try our best to be apolitical program," said Director General of RTK, Mentor Shala.

Meanwhile, Director of Television for the second program in Serbian Zarko Joksimovic, said that due to various circumstances had to përshpejtonim launch the program. "We will have debates, documentaries and programs on the ground. This is all that is planned for the first month, "said Joksimovic.

Faruk Begolli Fehmiu blessing, Kosovo cinematic icons

In a solemn ceremony on Saturday evening at the National Theatre, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport awards for cinematography. Price for Work Life 'Blessing Fehmiu' post mortem was awarded actor Faruk Begolli and Annual Award for Cinematography was awarded to director BATHTUB. This event also reminded our outstanding actor Bekim Fehmiu, namely his birth date.
At the awards ceremony was also present Branka Petric, Fehmi Blessing wife, representatives of local institutions and artists.
Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Memli Krasniqi said in his speech that Fehmiu Blessing is the cinematic icon in the Balkans and that his work he has changed people's worldviews. "He has brought us the beautiful world, this life, narrated to us the freedom to love and a strong passion for art, film, even for sport. Fehmiu blessing not only the Balkans cinematic icon. He is one of the rare people who, while protecting their identity, people in this part of Europe has brought them a free man, universal man. And his country, Kosovo, gave the name Fehmiu Blessing, brought lots of friends, and moreover, an actor model, about which we will educate educated generations of artists, "he said, praising the His career as magical. "If a large portion of players across the world have been and are material to the pink pages of newspapers, Blessing has been different. He really, honestly be said, has been and remains one of the intellectual actors ".
The Minister said that the state is already institutionalizes Prices for Cinematography and leaving one of the prices, Fehmi name Blessing.
Talking about actor Faruk Begolli, Krasniqi said that he is the identifier name in the Kosovo theater and film. "Anyone who is aware, most of his students show that all the best scenes of the film and the theater built here in Kosovo in the last 20-30 years, best identified with a name, Faruk Begolli . Man who filed Academy of Arts here in Kosovo. Man perhaps most passionate about art, most beloved instructor for many generations of actors that Kosovo today. Faruk Begolli, was and will remain separate for the way he lived and worked. Perhaps it is inevitable that the first man, the respect and gratitude to the great divide today it Work Life National Award for cinematography in 'Blessing Fehmiu'. Therefore, this event today, really is an embodiment of two iconic brands to our culture, our art, for our own identity, "he said. The Minister said that as a blessing and Faruk figures should serve to inspire new generations, thus promising institutional support for young artists.
Fehmi Blessing wife, Branka Petric, shared with the audience moments of her life with Fehmiu. Ajotha her honor and award nomination for work life by actor Fehmiu is a very high rating. Petric said that new generations have to work hard and take lessons from the Begolli Fehmiu. Speaking Fehmiu blessing, she said that it "has received many acting diligently. When should play in any foreign language film, and often learn the language. " Meanwhile, about culture, she said that the Balkan countries should increase investment in art in general.
Life at Work Award for Cinematography was awarded Faruk Begolli, which acknowledged his brother Adil Begolli. He said that if he were alive Begolli would appreciate more this award because it is an honor that the state is doing to him.
While annual award for cinematography director won BATHTUB. He said that this is an estimate of the great work that pushes even more new projects following the example of great artists like Fehmiu Blessing of Faruk Begolli but also others who have left their mark in cinematography. Prices for Cinematography of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports are separated for the first time. Price for Work Life 'Blessing Fehmiu' monetary value of five thousand euros has already Cinematography Award at the Annual 2 500 thousand euros. Jury members appointed by the Minister, to award prizes have been; Valon Jakupaj, Orhan Kërkezi, Liridon Cahan, Korab Lecaj, Visar Velika.

Book Fair opens today "Prishtina 2013

Pristina, June 3 - The Palace of Youth and Sports Book Fair opens today "Prishtina 2013". This is the 15th edition of the largest event devoted to book our place. It will be open until June 9. Over 100 publishers from Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro and the Diaspora will be present in addition to publishing the earliest years, and over 1300 new titles. Time in this fair company will issue 15 new titles, which ranked it among the largest book publishers slip.

At the fair this year for the first time will be presented and the electronic book, an achievement that the book flows into the electronic era.

As announced Besian Zenelaj, vice president of the Publishers Association, which organizes the fair, this year has book The manifestation of some particular because it marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Petro Marko, the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Vedas Kokonës, 100 - anniversary of the birth of Jusuf Myftiu, the 90th anniversary of the birth of James Xoxe, the 90th anniversary of the birth of Vehap Seller and the 30th anniversary of the death of Musine Kokalari.

Zeka president of PDK in Gjilan, Mustafa candidate for mayor?

At the meeting there was a part of the leadership of the PDK in Gjilan with Hashim Thaci has been "compromise" that Izmit Zeka remain chairman of the branch of the PDK, while Mustafa Qemajl again to run for mayor of Gjilan.

Competition for the branch president of PDK in Gjilan them probably coming to an end today after a meeting with Hashim Thaci Qemajl Mustafa has softened its position, or as they say in PDK officials, has aligned position to reached a certain compromise to finally branch presidency PDK.

Qemajl rajonipress Mustafa told Monday's meeting is expected to attend the PDK leader Hashim Thaci will be a consensual compromise and that "it is important to maintain party unity and working together to win the future."

Although Mustafa has preferred not commenting about compromise resources portal to learn that the meeting had been reached with Thaci Mustafa compromise Izmit Zeka remain chairman of the branch of the PDK, while Mustafa Qemajl remains the only candidate for mayor Gnjilane.

However, all that remains to be resolved in the meeting ee Branch Presidency, which is expected to be attended by Hashim Thaci, who proposed Zenun Pajaziti PDK mayor of Gjilan.

Romanian Prime Minister favors recognition of Kosovo

Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta, has said he is in favor of faster recognition of Kosovo's independence, Serbian media reported.

Ponta and his foreign minister met today with the two main parliamentary committees to discuss whether Romania should change its position and move towards recognition of Kosovo.

Ponta said that personally considers that Romania should align its position on Kosovo's status with European partners, taking into account the 22 EU member states have already recognized Kosovo's independence.

He also said it will establish a working group composed of representatives of the Romanian diplomacy and deputies, to explore new developments relating to the status of Kosovo, B92 reports, transmits Rel.

"There is no question of any decision. We have agreed to form a working group, which will deal with this issue. We agreed that this topic is not taboo, but must also deal with the "Ponta said.

When asked if Romania expects Serbia to recognize Kosovo before, Ponta said that "it would be a bit ridiculous if Romania Serbia lags behind."

Romania, as well as four other members of the European Union - Greece, Slovakia, Spain and Cyprus - have not yet recognized Kosovo's independence, declared on February 17, 2008

MEST accuses the president of the Youth Forum of LDK

Ministry of Education, respectively Unit standards, monitoring and evaluation, has accused the president of the Youth Forum of the Democratic League of Kosovo, Ibrahim Armend.

All this as a result of a press conference that the Youth Forum of LDK held on June 1, where it was said that the Education Ministry had distributed a day earlier tests children governors, KTV reports.

Neha Mustafa, Deputy Minister of Education, said the test group B, which is spoken in the conference, has been the previous years and the significant difference in test B this year.

Meanwhile Armend Ibrahim, said that the picture was published on the social network Facebook had said it could only be doubts about the progress of the graduation test, and had never spoken as something factual.

As before state leaders weigh?

On the basis of the form stated in the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA), President Atifete Jahjaga has no real estate and has not owned a car in Golf. Prime Minister Hashim Thaci has not bought a new car, but continues to use VW Passat car, owned by the wife. Meanwhile, Parliament Speaker Krasniqi said a Chevrolet car, a gift from his brother Daut says.
Even in the form of this year, as in the past two years, President Jahjaga left empty column: real estate.
Annual revenues for president Atifete Jahjaga 2,873.20 euros this year. Over the past years, annual revenues were EUR 34,478.40. Cash held in financial institutions, Jahjaga said the amount of 47,853.36 euros.
Meanwhile, this year Jahjaga said that the need to pay the loan amount of 3,000.00 euros, that should do for five years.
In announcing this year under the ACA, pick that President Atifete Jahjaga not possess the Golf car, the value of which was declared six thousand euros. In this year's form is not stated buying a new car.
On the other hand, Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, said this year that the bank has deposited EUR 2,430.00. Last year Prime Minister had stated that the amount of 18,600.00 was deposited in the bank, that it gets spent more than 16 thousand of cash.
Meanwhile, in the form of declaration of assets by Prime Minister are the same data published during the past year.
Head of the Executive has stated that the construction of 700.00 m2 house, is investing money from the sale of securities 220,000.00 house, and had also received loans in the amount of 100,000 euros in NLB.
The real estate is declared land to build the house in the amount of 157,000.00, the area of ​​arable 15.75, which is funded by the sale of the house in "Arberia", worth 260,000 euros.
Prime agricultural land declared joint of 7:00 hectares, amounting to 180 thousand euros. Also, said a joint family home of 250.00 m2, worth 80,000.00 euros.
Based on the form submitted to the ACA this year, Prime Minister has not bought a new car, but continues to use VW Passat car, valued at 13,000.00, bought from savings, which is owned by his wife.
President of the Assembly, Krasniqi said the ACA a house worth $ 300,000.00 euros, as well as a common ground with eight brothers in the village of Drenasit Negroc, with a value of 75,000.00 euros. Also, the speaker said a Chevrolet car, a gift from his brother Daut says.
On the basis of the form stated, Parliament Speaker this year did not spend a cent on the amount of cash in the bank in the amount of 18,024.26 euros

PDK leader Hashim Thaci and Gjilan branch Zenun Pajaziti decided to be the president of Branch

PDK leader Hashim Thaci and the leadership of the party branch in Gjilan Zenun Pajaziti unanimously to be the president of the branch in the city. PDK leader Hashim Thaci has ended ages old agreement for office and convinced the party leadership to vote Zenun Pajaziti to be on top of PDK in Gjilan. He's got confidence and leadership Thaci branch, while still not known who will be the candidate for mayor, as to this point has not been discussed. Vice-PDK in Gjilan choose Qemajl Mustafa, Izmit Zeka, Niyazi Idris, Kadri Sabedin of Shukrije Rapuca. Generous was elected secretary Nevzadi organizational, administrative secretary Sefik Surdulli, and treasurer, Sahit Abbas.

Deputy Prime Minister Kuqi had a meeting with the leaders of the Kosovo justice institutions

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Kuçi, held a meeting with leaders of the Kosovo justice institutions, chief Ismet Kabashi, chairman of the Judicial Council Enver Peci, Chairman of the Supreme Court, Fejzullah Hasan and President of the Court of Appeal, Salih Mekaj, with whom he discussed the position of the Kosovo Law on Amnesty and other details about the implementation of the Agreement in the field of justice. Kuqi said work on the Amnesty Bill has started since 2011 and that the purpose of the bill is to include amnesty to certain works and from which will benefit all citizens of Kosovo who are subject to these criminal proceedings. Therefore, the aim of the Government has not been and will not be that this law be applied selectively to any part of the territory of Kosovo or a portion of its citizens.

Veterans Assembly directed the request to review the mandate of EULEX in Kosovo

After long discussions, representatives of associations of war have developed regarding the situation in the country following the arrest of the head of the KLA from EULEX, a decision regarding the submission of the request for an extraordinary session of the Assembly of Kosovo , which would again require consideration of the mandate of EULEX in Kosovo. Xhavit Jashari, head of the KLA OVL said that if in the event of failure to consider the request by the Assembly will take further action, but has not specified which ones they are. Meanwhile, Parliament Speaker Jakup Kraniqi, has stated that it is unfair to former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army prosecuted for war crimes. According to him, the war crimes themselves have a standard of how they tried. So he wanted to know exactly what constitutes a war crime and crime against humanity what.

Mandate, position, duties and field activities of EULEX has given the UN and the EU, while the mission and recognizes the sovereign state but does not recognize the independence of our country, nor the Assembly of Kosovo institutions.