Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Can war be avoided?

Throughout human history, wars have taken countless lives , and have devoted many wonderful cities destroyed . But despite the long list of conflicts from ancient times to modern day psychologists say that war is not inevitable .
Many researchers have focused on the causes of war and its consequences . But three political psychologists Amherst University in Massachusetts say that understanding the causes of war is the best way to prevent and resolve conflicts .
Bernhard Leidner , Linda and Brian Lickel tropp presented their views in an article in the journal American Psychologist , VOA broadcasts . Leidner is its main author .
" When it comes to war , most psychologists focus on human tendencies as aggressive and violent acts . The focus is more on the negative side of it , but not so much how to prevent it . "
He says studies show that those who " praise the roof of their countries " , a kind of nationalism that , there are more likely to resort to violence , but those who serve the country in a better way show no such trend .
But how can anyone be taught " in extreme praises " his place ? Leidner says that this should be done several questions like these .
" How is your country superior to others ? This is one aspect . Practically they think their country is the most moral , better and more successful in every aspect . As criticism allowed in your country ? People think that criticism shows a lack of loyalty to country , so expect a kind of unconditional loyalty " .
The study authors say that conflict and violence create possibilities to meet people " their psychological needs for identity , security and power ." Nonviolent actions have attracted much less media attention .
Leidner researcher says that it is important for political leaders to explain that there may be other ways to resolve the crisis , the conflict on the one hand and on the other hand diplomacy . He says surveys show that diplomacy is preferable to violence , when the question involves both , rather than the question of whether or not favored attack .

" There are examples of Nelson Mandela in South Africa , whose rhetoric trend showed cooperation . He changed step by step views of the citizens of his country that it is better to cooperate and live in peace with others . "
Mr Mandela said that " if we make peace with the enemy , you have to work with the enemy . Then he becomes your partner . "
Mr. Leidner compares this with the rhetoric in the United States after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 . He says she became bitter against American Muslims over time .
Leidner and co-authors of the study say that leaders should emphasize understanding with others . They write that " are convinced that psychology can and should exercise to promote peace and not war .

Extremist groups threaten Kosovo Police

An unknown group calling itself '"Jamaat of Tawheed and Jihad in Kosovo," Kosovo Police has threatened that if they do not release some detainees suspected of terrorism, then the police will face' painful attacks' , as specified in a statement distributed through the Internet. This Communication Police warns that attacks will face terrible and painful. Meanwhile, the Kosovo Police is examining the seriousness of this press release which was distributed virtual way media.

The youth of Pristina say NO Syrian chemical weapons in Albania

Dozens of young people today protested in front of the Albanian embassy in Pristina, objecting to the destruction of chemical weapons to Syria in Albanian territory. Organizers of the protest expressed awareness that kind of Syrian weapons is extremely dangerous. "We are here today before the Albanian embassy to send our message to Prime Minister Edi Rama firmly say no to the offer of U.S. Secretary to use the territory of the Republic of Albania territory for the disposal of chemicals, as we consider that this is a procedure of importing Syrian chemical warfare in the territory of Albania ", said Xhymshiti Vedas, one of the protest organizers. According to him, the process of elimination leaves the inevitable consequences. Quoting the words of an American expert, Xhymshiti said that the remains of a liter zaharinë pollute 180,000 cubic meters of air.